Higher Education
supporting Refugees
in Europe

BRiDGE project - Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe
BRiDGE (Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe) is a project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme. From South East Europe to its heart, BRiDGE gives an all-in-one solution for the localized guidance of refugee researchers (RRs) in the European Research Area (ERA) and enables the 40 EURAXESS country members in the ERA to identify and utilize the potential of RRs across Europe.

World refugee Day: Campus France soutient les étudiants réfugies dans le monde
Pour faciliter l’accès à l’enseignement supérieur des étudiants réfugiés, Campus France leur porte une attention toute particulière en s’associant à de nombreuses initiatives au sein des établissements d’enseignement supérieur français, européens et dans la région d’origine des étudiants.

Conference "Integration of Refugees in Europe: the role of Universities" at Sapienza University
Sapienza University of Rome is organizing, in collaboration with UNHCR, a Conference "Integration of Refugees in Europe: the role of Universities" which will be held in Rome on April 17, 2018, starting at 9.00 am in the Great Hall of Sapienza.

inHERE Staff Training Week at Sapienza University in Rome in April 2018
Staff Training Week organised by Sapienza University in collaboration with UNIMED, aimed at strengthening knowledge sharing, peer-support and academic partnership to facilitate integration and access of refugees in European Higher Education Institutions. It will take place in Rome on April 16-20, 2018.

Recognition of prior learning of refugee students: webinar Oct-25 at 4pm (CET)
Second webinar of the project, titled «Recognition of prior learning: obstacles, strategies and ideas to promote the access to higher education for refugee students». Speakers from NOKUT, University of Bari and Council of Europe.

W2: Recognition of prior learning
Second webinar of the inHERE project on the Recognition of prior learning, scheduled for October 25, 2017. Speakers will be from the C.A.P. Centre for Lifelong Learning of the University of Bari and the NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education).