This page collects the presentations of the keynotes delivered during the inHERE final event in Brussels.
09:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee
09:30 Welcome
Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED
Michael Gaebel, EUA
09:45 Opening keynote
Sophie Magennis, UNHCR
10:15 inHERE Good Practices & Guidelines for Higher Education Institutions
Henriette Stoeber, EUA
Catalina Jerez Paredero, University of Barcelona
Graziella Gaglione, Sapienza University
10:45 Elevator Pitch: European Projects for refugee integration into higher education
11:00 Coffee break & Interactive Poster Exhibition of EU co-funded Projects for Refugee Integration
12:00 inHERE Project Recommendations
Johanna Rasplus, Campus France
12:30 Synergy workshop: European projects on refugee integration
13:30 Networking lunch
14:30 Synergies for sustainability: Results of the workshop
Steven Debbaut, Karel de Grote University College
Katherine Miller, IIE Institute of International Education
Mathieu Schneider, University of Strasbourg
Anna Quici, Coimbra Group
15:00 EU policies for refugee integration into/through higher education
José Diez-Verdejo, EC Directorate-General for Education and Culture
Rinske van den Berg, EC Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Anton Stemberger, EC Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Madad Fund
Laurent Aujean, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, AMIF fund
15:45 Discussion and Q&A with the panellists
Moderation: Michael Gaebel, EUA; Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED
16:30 Closing
Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED
Michael Gaebel, EUA
16:45 Farewell drinks