Higher Education
supporting Refugees
in Europe

Policy Dialogue Event

How national and European policies can support refugee students and researchers in European Higher Education

Date and time

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Organised by



Maison des Universités

103 boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris – France

Practical information to join the venue


You can consult the draft programme here

Press Release

Please find here the press release from Campus France on the event.


Participation is free of charges, but places are limited. To participate in the event, please register via this linkRegistrations are open until 15 May 2018.


Introductory statements 

Session 1 – EU support for refugees in Higher Education

Session 2 – What is needed from the policy level to support HEIs’ actions

Session 3 – UNHCR’s strategic directions for integrating refugee students and researchers in European Higher Education Institutions

Session 4 – Panel discussion – How can national initiatives be mutualized, extended and better integrated into national and European policy strategies?

Session 5 – Panel discussion – Recognition, integration measures and the impact of the refugee crisis on institutions’ social mission


Johanna Rasplus: johanna.rasplus@campusfrance.org
General Inquiriesinfo@inhereproject.eu

The inHERE Conference obtained the certification label “EHEA Paris 2018 – La France dans l’Europe de l’Enseignement Supérieur” delivered by the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, within the scope of the EHEA Ministerial Conference 2018.
